Sugar-free chocolate - Buy Online | Délices Low Carb

Sugar-free chocolate

A whole range of sugar-free stevia chocolate bars that are dietetic and delicious and fit in with the sugar-free diet and the no-carb diet.

Sugar-free chocolate for diabetics and overweight people

Just because you suffer from diabetes or are overweight, doesn't mean that you can't enjoy a few little healthy treats. Indeed, chocolate is one of those little treats that we love for a sweet break. As part of a keto diet or even a low carb diet, it is therefore possible to consume sugar-free chocolate. So, while taking care of your health, you can indulge in this little treat without refined sugar and containing healthy sweeteners and a big dose of cacao. So find out everything you need to know about keto chocolate and its many benefits.

What is sugar-free chocolate?

It's important to know that industrial chocolates are often saturated with bad fats, saccarose and even additives. So if you are a health conscious person or you are diabetic or overweight, you will be able to find an alternative. The sugar free chocolate contains no added sugar and has a high cocoa and cocoa butter content. What's more, these chocolate bars are sweetened with Stevia, to give you a real taste treat with every bite. Indeed, Stevia is a natural sweetener extracted from a plant, which has a sweetness three times more effective than white sugar. But above all, this natural sugar, even when consumed in large quantities, will prevent you from taking in many calories. This is why sugar-free chocolate sweetened with Stevia or even erythritol will allow you to succumb to all your greedy cravings without raising your glycemic index or even without gaining weight. Especially since sugar-free chocolate is even tastier than the industrial chocolate you can find in supermarkets. So you won't have to restrict yourself or get frustrated to bite into a really tasty chocolate square to fill up on sweetness.

Sugar-free chocolate for effective weight loss

Often, as part of a diet, chocolate is either banned or allowed in very restricted quantities. Yet, for a quick weight loss on a sugar-free diet, it is possible to indulge in some cravings. Indeed, sugar-free chocolate is the perfect food to give yourself a gourmet break during the day without taking in calories. We often forget that dark chocolate is very good for our health and that we should not deprive ourselves of it, even if we follow a carbohydrate-free diet. Indeed, just because you are on a sugar-free diet does not mean you have to cut out all sugars. This type of keto diet aims to ban refined sugars, such as white sugar, which only provide calories and no benefit to the body. Moreover, they can lead to much more serious problems such as obesity or cardiovascular disease. Also, the sugar-free diet for overweight ordiabetic people aims to remove all industrial sugars and return to a healthy diet based on slow sugars and low in carbs. Thus, these low carb foods will allow you to regain a low glycemic index while limiting the intake of bad carbohydrates in the body. Thus, you will be able to ensure weight loss effectively and quickly while enjoying the keto pleasures and keeping your diabetes under control as best as possible. This is why sugar-free chocolate proves to be the best alternative to the basic dark chocolate. It can be easily found in a diabetic food store or even specialized in selling keto products.

The benefits of sugar-free chocolate

Sugar-free chocolate is also known for its many benefits on the body. With no refined or added sugar, this chocolate is one hundred percent natural so that you can preserve your health, especially as part of a low carb diet. Indeed, this type of chocolate is known to be a powerful antidepressant to gently restore your mood. Moreover, thanks to its high magnesium content, you can also effectively fight against stress which can really make your daily life difficult. What's more, there's nothing more pleasant than being around a good bar of sugar-free chocolate that you can enjoy with a cup of coffee. This way, both young and old can enjoy this natural chocolate without white or refined sugar. You can forget the calories and still enjoy a little chocolate whenever you feel like it. So whether you suffer from diabetes, are overweight or want to eat healthier, sugar free chocolate is the reference you need.

Sugar free chocolate to satisfy all cravings

In order to cater for all tastes, there is a wide variety of sugar free chocolate. So, if you're more into dark or milk chocolate, plain or with almonds or hazelnuts, you're sure to find something to suit your taste. In diabetic food shops or shops specialising in low carb foods, you will be able to find many chocolate bars. Not to mention that you can also be seduced by cocoa cream with hazelnuts or chocolate powder. So you can spread your toast at breakfast time while enjoying a tasty cup of chocolate. Without taking a single calorie and while keeping a low glycemic index, you will be able to succumb to all your greedy cravings. These healthy pleasures can be consumed without moderation and without guilt. It's up to you to choose from these wide ranges of sugar-free chocolate to indulge in a piece of tasty and totally natural chocolate with complete certainty. Say yes to sugar free chocolate without delay!

During a break at work, to melt in a good coffee or in front of a good movie, crack on, it's allowed!




  • €1.00 - €25.00

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Chocolat sans sucre  

De façon générale, le chocolat est considéré comme à bannir de l’alimentation lorsque l’on souhaite manger sainement. La réalité est tout autre : s’il est choisi sans sucre, le chocolat est un aliment très intéressant sur le plan nutritionnel. Voici quelques explications sur le chocolat sans sucre.


Le chocolat sans sucre, une recette simple

L'ingrédient clé du chocolat est le cacao. On appelle cacao la poudre obtenue après broyage de la fève de cacao, préalablement torréfiée. Le cacao n’est pas un problème dans un régime sans sucre car il affiche moins de 2g de sucre au 100g. Un chocolat noir à 99% de cacao est d'ailleurs quasiment sans sucre. Le problème est ailleurs...


Une tablette de chocolat sans sucre est très similaire à du chocolat classique à un détail près : le produit sucrant. Pour obtenir du chocolat sans sucre, ce n'est pas du sucre qui est ajouté au cacao, mais un édulcorant. L'édulcorant peut varier d'une tablette à l'autre car il en existe un grand nombre, comme le maltitol ou la stevia. On obtient ainsi un chocolat ayant un taux de sucre très faible voire nul, mais tout aussi gourmand.


Si vous avez d'autres contraintes alimentaires que le sucre, sachez qu'il existe aussi du chocolat sans sucre naturel, bio, sans gluten.


A qui s’adresse le chocolat sans sucre ? 

Le chocolat sans sucre, comme tout produit sans sucre, s'adresse à différents profils :

  • Personne diabétique

  • Personnes suivant un régime Low Carb

  • Personnes souhaitant perdre des kilos sur la balance

  • Personnes ayant une alimentation keto

  • Personnes souhaitant réduire leur apport journalier de sucre


Les occasions durant lesquelles consommer du chocolat sans sucre sont nombreuses. Fondu au bain marie, il s'intègre dans toutes vos recettes de gâteaux et biscuits. En format barre, le chocolat sans sucre fait un snack idéal à emporter partout. Un assortiment de plusieurs chocolats aux recettes variées est idéal pour une dégustation au fil des envies. Sous forme de coffret pour offrir, les chocolats sans sucre ravissent les palais gourmands de vos proches. Enfin, lors des fêtes de Pâques vous pourrez faire plaisir et vous faire plaisir sans culpabilité avec des chocolats adaptés !


La sélection de chocolats sans sucre de Délices Low Carb

Afin de faciliter vos achats, Délices Low Carb a sélectionné pour vous des chocolats sans sucre aux recettes variées à prix mini. Vous pouvez donc trouver sur cette page :

  • des tablettes de chocolat sans sucre

  • des sachets chocolat au lait zéro sucre

  • des assortiments de chocolat blanc sans sucres

  • des coffrets chocolat noir sans sucre ajoutés

  • de nombreuses barres de chocolat agrémentée (noisettes, amandes, praline...)


Les produits en stock de la boutique Délices Low Carb sont tous disponibles à la livraison (livraison gratuite dès 70€ d'achat).

Si vous êtes un adepte de la saveur chocolat sous toutes ses formes, n'hésitez pas à jeter un œil à notre gamme de pâte à tartiner sans sucre.