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Low carb pasta

Find in this category the Délices Low carb pasta offer that can integrate the ketogenic or low carb diet.



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Low Carb Pasta

Low Carb Pasta or Low Carb Pasta

Low carb pasta or low carb pasta is a nice alternative to the traditional pasta we all know - minus the carbs. And there are plenty of low carb choices at Délices Low Carb! There is, in fact, a whole range of low carb pasta made with low GI flours through Konjac pasta or the innovative Palmini heart of palm pasta. There's something for everyone. Let's take a quick tour together

What is a low-carb diet?

The difference between low carb, keto and carb cycling

  1. Keto
  2. Low Carb
  3. Carb cycling

Low Carb Pasta

  1. High carbohydrate
  2. Low GI flours
  3. Properties

The different types of low carb pasta

  • 1. Konjac flour based low carb pasta and its benefits
    • a. What is Konjac pasta
    • b. What are the benefits of Konjac pasta?
  • 2. Low carb pasta with legumes
  • 3. Protein-based low carb pasta
  • 4. Low carb pasta with heart of palm

Our low carb pasta recipes

What is low carb diet?

It is a known fact that pasta" and "low carb diet" don't mix well. Those who are watching their weight know this perfectly well and have removed pasta from their diet! Pasta is a starchy food rich in carbohydrates. Adopting a low-carb diet means giving up filling your plate with pasta. We will see in this article that some pasta recipes have been adapted to fit into a low carb diet. The ingredients have simply been changed in favor of others with a low glycemic index (GI) For all that, a diet that takes into account the amount of daily carbohydrates to consume does not imply to remove them completely. Each body works differently and we all have various goals (weight loss, diseases, insomnia, headaches, malaise etc)

The difference between low carb, keto and carb cycling

""keto"" and ""low-carb"" are often used interchangeably with each other when talking about a carbohydrate reduction approach, which is obviously correct, since in both cases we will visibly lower the consumption of this type of nutrient.

1. Keto

To simplify: "strict" keto (with a consumption of 20 grams max of carbohydrates per day) will result in rapid weight loss and significant suppression of hunger, given the amount of fat consumed.

2. Low Carb

Low-carb is a type of diet in which more carbohydrates are tolerated (up to 100g per day) that may be suitable for people who have already achieved their desired weight loss.

3. Carb cycling

One watchword: alternation. This type of diet involves alternating cycles of eating with and without or low carbohydrates. Generally, the so-called 'up carbs' cycles in which carbohydrates are scheduled are cycles in which physical activity is present in the agenda. The advantage of this diet is that it is adjustable according to individual goals, changing life rhythms etc...

Low carb pasta

It is now common knowledge or almost common knowledge that ""pasta"" and ""diet"" do not mix well. But do you know why?

1. High carbohydrate content

The traditional pasta that we can find in our supermarkets is pasta made with wheat flour, durum wheat semolina, quinoa, buckwheat etc. These flours have in common a very high carbohydrate content which can be classified as high GI flours. For example, in some packages of well-known pasta, 70 g of carbohydrates are found per 100 g. Low carb pasta or low carb pasta, on the other hand, has been made with low GI flours or with roots and other vegetables allowing them to be classified as low GI foods

. 2. Low GI flours

Low GI foods have the quality of avoiding blood sugar spikes that disrupt the body but also store fat from the carbohydrate processing. As soon as we ingest a carbohydrate, it is transformed into glucose in the blood. However, not all carbohydrates are equal. Depending on their index, carbohydrates will produce more or less glucose. The Glycemic Index (GI) measures the ability of the carbohydrates we ingest to turn into glucose.

3. Properties

Low carb pasta has ideal properties when looking to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight while enjoying a traditional comfort food. Indeed, low carb pasta provides fibers that dilute in water creating a feeling of satiety. Some also have a high protein content. Some others have been made with vegetables.

The different types of low carb pasta

Just like traditional pasta, low carb pasta comes in different shapes and colors. We find spaghetti, fusilli, penne, fettuccine, tagliatelle, lasagna, noodles etc.

1. Konjac flour low carb pasta and its benefits

a. What is Konjac pasta

In the context of low carb diet, Konjac pasta is undoubtedly the one that has revolutionized the plates. The basic ingredient of these pastes comes from a Japanese plant called ""devil's tongue"" and more precisely from its bulb: the Konjac root. To obtain Konjac flour and therefore Konjac pastes, the root is dried and reduced to powder. These Konjac pastes have the advantage of being gluten-free and very low GI.

b. What are the benefits of Konjac pastes?

- Soluble fiber. The main advantage of Konjac comes from its very composition. The konjac bulb consists mainly of the polysaccharide glucomannan. This soluble fiber swells with liquid several times its volume creating a feeling of satiety after ingestion. - Gluten-free. Unlike wheat flour pasta, Konjac pasta is gluten-free, which is a premium quality for those intolerant to this component. - Low in calories. Konjac pastes consist of very few calories which makes this product a great ally in a diet. - Suitable for diabetics: the influence on blood sugar is almost zero.

2. Low carb pasta with legumes

There is also low carb pasta with legumes. Coming in different colors, they add a little variety to your plate and are an important source of plant-based protein. In fact, pasta made with peas, lentils or soy flour provides twice as much protein and fiber as traditional pasta. The low carb pasta that is currently a hit is the SLENDIER brand pasta made with organic soy flour and organic emamame flour. The texture is the closest to traditional pasta.

3. Protein-based low carb pasta

There are also low carb pasta made with protein-rich ingredients such as almond flour, coconut flour, pea protein, chickpea flour. Athletes love them because they cover their protein needs and are an important source of fiber.

4. Low carb pasta made with heart of palm

A new category of pasta is also emerging and comes in the form of spaghetti, linguine, lasagna made with heart of palm. The innovative brand behind this new pasta is Palmini. The pasta is gluten-free, vegan, keto and ready to eat.

Our low carb pasta recipes

In our blog: Low Carb Trend, you can find delicious low carb keto pasta recipes such as: - Coleslow keto revisited (with Palmini angel hair) - Fettuccine alfredo keto (with Slendier pasta) - Konjac spaghetti sautéed tofu barbecue (with Konjac pasta) - Spicy woketo (with palm heart linguine)
