Protein diet

Croissants protéinés

Protein muffins

Protein snacks

Pasta keto protein

Protein biscuits

The protein diet

As the name well suggests, this protein diet emphasizes protein in large quantities. If well there are plant proteins, such as soy or beans, in this type of diet animal proteins are the stars.

As part of a ketogenic diet it may be interesting for athletes practicing sports called power and strength to significantly increase their daily protein ratio to avoid autophagy phenomena and without risk of gluconeogenesis.


Protein is essential for the proper functioning of the human body and should be consumed daily according to individual needs.

  • They build muscle,
  • regenerate skin,
  • impact good bone health,
  • regulate PH,
  • balance body fluids, among others.

Also, through the process of gluconeogenesis, the body can create glucose from protein for the body functions that need it. This prevents lack of nutrition and promotes weight loss. 

Quantity of protein

The amount of protein needed varies from person to person. The WHO standard is 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight (the desired weight). Nevertheless, researchers recommend at least 1 gram per kilogram of body weight. This ratio can increase to 2 grams per shape weight if one is very active. 

Animal proteins

Animal proteins are the only ones that provide the nine essential amino acids , that is, those that the body cannot produce on its own, in optimal amounts for the body, which is why they are called complete proteins. These include eggs, dairy products, meat, fish and poultry.

Vegetable proteins

Vegetable proteins do not provide adequate amounts of each essential amino acid; Beans, legumes, grains, soybeans, nuts and seeds are examples of protein-rich plant foods.

However, except for nuts and some seeds, these foods are high in carbohydrates, so they are not compatible in a protein-rich ketogenic diet.

As a result, for a slimming diet goal, a protein diet based on a vegetable-based diet cannot suffice. Where the Keto diet allows a reduction in sugar, a diet based on vegetables and other exclusive vegetable protein foods will not be effective on a high-protein diet.

Protein diet

In this dietary mode we strongly increase the consumption of protein, beyond the classic recommendations, between 1.2 grams to 1.6 per kilo of body weight, or even more, if the physical activity is intense. This can also be done by consuming between 25 and 30 grams of protein per meal (considering three meals per day), obviously adjusting by size, gender, physical activity. The foods richer in protein are lean meats, as they are composed of more than 50% in general; however, the body needs a minimum of fat (at least 30 grams per day) to avoid malnutrition, which is known as rabbit starvation or caribou sickness.

To avoid this we can find different foods such as protein bars, protein cookies, protein shakes, protein and high fat pasta bags. These products based on the protein diet allowing to combine flavors and slimming food.

For a first experience in the protein diet it is normal for us to wonder about how? where? when? to use the high-protein diet. what to eat etc. we should not hesitate to incorporate a protein packet (protein shake) for example to our breakfast. When a small hunger is felt, to take protein cookies. A high-protein diet is not based on deprivation. If the desire for chocolate is present there are products to satisfy them that can be found on our site déliceslowcarb. No need to run to the stores to find them. We offer 24 hour delivery services! 

How it works:

Protein increases the production of hormones such as PYY and GLP-1, which help with satiety, and reduces levels of ghrelin, known as the hunger hormone" . Thus, increasing protein can help suppress hunger even for hours after eating. Protein also has this effect due to the increased basal metabolic rate associated with the thermal effect (thermogenesis) of this type of nutrient. The digestion of protein would increase the metabolic rate by 20% to 35%, compared to an increase of 5 to 15% for the digestion of carbohydrates or fats and would burn more calories the hours after the meal . 

How do you set up a protein diet? 

The protein (or high-protein) diet is set up quite naturally through automatic patterns. In order to keep a slimming program and be able to lose weight while keeping the flavors of food, a wide range of protein products are proposed and simple to incorporate into daily life. Protein bread, bags of pasta and other protein bars and cookies can reduce the intake of carbohydrates and promote the reduction of fat. Breakfast does not become an ordeal but a guarantee of quality on our nutrition. These raw materials can be introduced into your meals and dishes in a simple way without any feeling of lack but with the added value of protein and hyperprotein diets. The transition phase may be facilitated through déliceslowcarb where you can find these products and save on delivery, from 70 euros of purchase, shipping is free in relay point

A higher consumption of protein products (hyperprotein) does not interfere in any way with a Keto diet during a regular practice of an intense physical activity such as cross-fit, bodybuilding or other sports practices, on the contrary it promotes muscle development. 

For followers of the ketogenic diet who do not do this type of sports the overconsumption of high-protein foods is not recommended at the risk of causing the phenomenon of gluconeogenesis.

We are used to seeing athletes with a protein shaker whether in the gym or on the street but the use of this protein shake is not exclusive in this case. At any time and according to the diet it is possible to consume it and different flavors according to the taste. We can find the same principle in different forms, (croissants, spreads, chocolate, bars) the products are available on déliceslowcarb in other forms than what we usually find (bags) : 

  • protein cookies
  • protein bread
  • protein pasta
  • protein bars
  • protein snacks
  • protein croissants

Where to find the products?

Many internet comparators allow you to get a more global and interesting opinion on the Hyperprotein and protein diet:

  • product comparator (bread, pasta, cookies, chocolate, drinks)
  • price comparator
  • brand comparator
  • comparator of nutritional values of the same products of different brands.

The advantage you will find at delightslowcarb is that the protein products offered are very low in carbohydrates. This makes themfit into a ketogenic diet. 

Weight loss

Some studies have shown effectiveness of ahigh protein and low carbohydrate diet for weight and body fat loss and an increase in basal metabolic rate, due to the effect of thermogenesis and increased satiety. In normal diets, by reducing calories there is a slowing of the metabolism and muscle loss. However, eating protein can protect muscle and maintain (or even increase) metabolism . 


A protein diet, specifically paleo-keto, can be effective in treating various diseases, such as diabetes, crohn's disease, or cancer. One study shows an improvement in insulin sensitivity by eating only meat, but there are only two subjects, so it is not extrapolable. 

Also, this dietary pattern improves wound healing from surgery or injury, contributes to bone health, reduces loss of muscle mass as we age

For a health problem that is already established in our daily lives, the high-protein diet can provide many preventive benefits.

Potential Risks

Some studies indicate that high levels of protein can negatively affect the kidneys, but other research shows that people with healthy kidneys would not have problems. However, clinical evidence suggests that people with kidney disease should not eat a high-protein diet. Also, it appears that people who are susceptible to kidney stones should avoid high protein diets. Of course, a person with any other disease should always consult his or her physician before embarking on a new eating pattern.


A high-protein diet has positive effects on weight loss and storage fat while preserving muscle and basal metabolism. Also, it has potential benefits under certain medical conditions. People wanting to follow this eating pattern should aim to increase their protein as needed, but considering at least 1.3 grams per kilo of body weight for sedentary people. Cooking proteins whether animal proteins (meat) or plant proteins (vegetables, seeds ...) promotes the transition phase to high-protein diets and ensure a better balance between cops and diet. 

The well-being also passes in the plate, in what we eat, meals, dishes prepared alone or in family. Choosing the protein diet coupled with a keto diet is to be evaluated according to our need for answers in the face of physical expenditure. It is to invest in a new method of eating.

The motivations differ depending on the person:

  • Losing weight
  • Losing fat
  • Rebalancing our diet
  • To capitalize on our health
